Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Paintballs to pistols, Israel admits ship blunders

Isreal's military had come big mistakes on Tuesday during the bungled boarding of a Gaza-bound aid ship in which troops killed nine international activists. One commentator demanded that Defense Minister step down. Cabinet members vowed to investigate, but their insistence that the pro-Palestinian activists had provoked the bloodshed. The secretive comando unit (Flotilla 13) was brought out to try and explain the operation's failing.

BP stock tumbles as feds announce oil-spill probes

BP had an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The engineers tried to recover from a failed attempt to stop it,but it will intially make the leak worse. After the six weeks of faluires to block the well BP was using robotic machines carve into twisted parts of the well. They are using tools to brake away broken pipes so the engeneers can put a cap over the wells opening. Even if it works it will increase the flow of the leak by 20 percent (at least 100,000 more gallons a day).